Saturday 2 April 2011

The calm before the storm

It's a very calm in this apartment (apartment if you can call it that). Korean officetels have a singular squishiness that is only matched by what people have to endure in Hong Kong. Up on the 12th floor, overlooking a big intersection it's chaotic. Traffic backed up for a mile, people scurrying to the shopping centers and cafe's that are packed on a Saturday such as this. They've at least dropped their masks and look happy. Lot's of kids running around too. I went for lunch and played peak-a-boo with the little scamps while waiting for my order.

Monday it's Beijing but tonight is the final farewell party. Seoul's going to be hoppin' and hongdae will bring it's usual youth energy and licentiousness, but that's a positive. The Clubs don't close till the last person leaves. This is going to be a long one.

For the road - Andrew